Technology every day becomes more fundamental in many aspects of life, and if we talk about health, it is essential. There are continually innovations and every year progress projections are made in this sector. Technology in medicine has made many processes simpler and more positive results obtained. Next, we will see some benefits of technological advances in the area of health.
Technology in medicine saves lives, improves our health and in many cases contributes to sustainable health, there are a series of advantages and benefits that come with it and it is necessary to take advantage of it, for example, medical technology has reduced hospital stay by a average of about 15%.
Another benefit of technology in medicine, and perhaps one of the most relevant, is that thanks to technological advances, large and important studies have been carried out that have allowed scientists and scholars to investigate and analyze in more depth about the different diseases that they exist today.
Premature aging
Maintaining cellular health involves preserving the functionality of cellular structures (specifically, mitochondria). With all structures working at their best, the cell can perform its many jobs efficiently and effectively. Mitochondria are key structures within your cells that, when damaged, can compromise the overall function of the cell.
There are two types of aging: biological aging and chronological aging. Chronological aging refers to how old you are in years and biological aging refers to the age of your body's systems. When it comes to staying young, it has little to do with your chronological age and everything to do with your biological age.
The way you measure biological age?
When looking at the health of your cells, it is represented by the presence of cell damage and the functionality of certain cell structures. The side effects of aging (gray hair, memory loss, etc.) are external indicators that cell damage is accumulating and cell function is declining.
As such, it was suggested that slowing down the aging process requires protecting the body from cell damage and promoting cell function.
A big culprit for cell damage is oxidative stress. Therefore, protecting your cells (and your body) would mean avoiding exactly what causes oxidative stress: an imbalance between the production of free radicals and the body's ability to counteract their potentially damaging effects. Doing so would require minimizing your exposure to free radical sources and boosting your internal defense system.
But what about promoting cell function?
The powerful mitochondrion
The other aspect of maintaining cellular health involves preserving the functionality of cellular structures (specifically, mitochondria). With all structures working at their best, the cell can perform its many jobs efficiently and effectively. Mitochondria are key structures within your cells that, when damaged, can compromise the overall function of the cell.
And right here where the function and activation of the Nrf1 and Nrf2 proteins contained in our Genoxidil product comes into play.
Nrf1 protein
What is Nrf1 protein?
The NRF1 protein is a structure (a protein) within the cells of the body. To provide a more detailed explanation, the Nrf1 protein is a transcription factor. Transcription factors are one of the most common tools our cells use to control gene expression. To make sense of this information, let's quickly review some aspects of human biology:
- Every cell in the body that has a nucleus (all except red blood cells) contains 2 sets of chromosomes, one from Mom and one from Dad. Together there are 23 pairs of chromosomes within the cell.
- A chromosome contains hundreds to thousands of genes.
- Genes specify the structure of the particular proteins that make up each cell. Genes contain DNA.
· DNA contains the instructions for making all the proteins in your body. · DNA can replicate or make copies of itself. This is important when cells divide, as each new cell must have an exact copy of the DNA present in the previous cell.
- Genes are generally in a predetermined 'off' state.
- Each cell expresses, or turns on, only a fraction of its genes. Genes turn on and off in different patterns. This is what differentiates cells and allows them to have different functions.
- Transcription factors regulate expression genes by 'activating' genes.
- So going back to the Nrf1 protein ... it acts as a transcription factor that activates, or turns on, the genes that are involved in mitochondrial function and biogenesis.
So how does Nrf1 work?
The NRF1 protein acts as a light switch. Activating the NRF1 protein is like turning on the light switch and leads to the activation of many genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis (the process of creating new, healthy mitochondria). Mitochondrial biogenesis is an important part of the quality control process, a function that supports cellular health by continually recycling and regenerating mitochondria.
Why is it so important to activate the NRF1 protein?
Maintaining cell function at 100 is essential when it comes to healthy aging and the preservation of your youth. For cells to function at full capacity, all structures within the cell must also function efficiently and effectively.
Unfortunately, there are many destructive forces, as well as a natural deterioration process, that threaten the health of your cells by disrupting the function of a key cellular structure: the mitochondria.
Destructive forces include internal and external factors that cause damage to cells by increasing their exposure to free radicals. Remember that, in small amounts, free radicals act as signaling molecules and help the body respond to changes in its environment. The problem arises when the free radical load increases to a level that exceeds the body's ability to defend itself against their harmful effects. High levels of free radicals can damage cell structures, particularly mitochondria, which can eventually interfere with the overall function of the cell.
In addition to the damaging effects of an imbalance between the free radical load and the body's defense system (oxidative stress), the natural deterioration process affects the mitochondria. As you age, the mitochondrial biogenesis process becomes less efficient, affecting the number and functionality of mitochondria in the cell and compromising cell function.
This is where the Nrf1 protein becomes important. When the protein Nrf1 is activated, it activates the genes that encode proteins involved in the respiratory chain, as well as in the replication and transcription machinery of mitochondrial DNA. In other words, it stimulates the production of proteins that are needed for the production of cellular energy and proteins involved in the creation of new and healthy mitochondria.
By using signals from the environment to activate the NRF1 protein , you can support the health of your cells as long as your body's ability to carry out mitochondrial biogenesis is compromised (as a result of oxidative stress or the body's natural deterioration process ).
How to Activate Nrf1 Protein
After the average age of 20 years of any human being, this protein begins to lose its capacity, it begins to be deactivated, and with this, to cause cellular disorders.
To activate it again, start taking Genoxidil , which contains a powerful combination of 50 phytonutrients, and this makes it the most complete tablet on the planet.
Genoxidil stimulates the Nrf1 protein to a greater extent, than when the ingredients are consumed individually. It provides a natural way to stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis, a process necessary to create new and healthy mitochondria , and is an important aspect of maintaining cellular health as we age.
Nrf2 Protein
What is Nrf2 Protein?
When the body is young and healthy, it can take care of the balance between cell damage, repair and rejuvenation. One way the body takes care of repairing damage is by signaling the production of antioxidant enzymes or survival genes through something known as the Nrf2 pathway .
Nrf2 is a powerful protein that is latent within every cell in the body, unable to move or operate until released by an activator of the Nrf2 protein.
Once released, it migrates to the cell nucleus and binds to DNA at the location of the Antioxidant Response Element (ARE), which is the main regulator of the total antioxidant system that is available in ALL human cells.
This balancing act can be disrupted as one ages, or if the body is overwhelmed by a malfunction and disease results in further cell damage. This damage is known as Oxidative Stress and is accompanied by the production of free radicals.
The oxidative stress and damage associated with free radicals contribute to the progression of hundreds of diseases and symptoms of premature aging.
Direct antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, berries, and juices have generally been used to neutralize free radicals and prevent the damage they cause. A molecule of antioxidants from these sources neutralizes a free radical, that is, it fights free radicals in a one-to-one ratio. However, there comes a tipping point where direct antioxidants are inadequate to take care of the damage.
A better approach to fighting free radicals is to use the body's own self-defense mechanism. When the Nrf2 protein is activated in the nucleus, it activates the production of antioxidant enzymes such as Catalase, Glutathione, and Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) . These antioxidant enzymes are powerful enough to neutralize up to:
1,000,000 free radicals per second, yes every second.
This one to one million ratio proves to be a much more effective approach to fighting aging and disease. .
Since the Nrf2 protein remains latent in the cell until it is activated, the challenge is to determine what it will activate, to take advantage of the one to one million free radical neutralization mentioned above.
After the average age of 20 years of any human being, this protein begins to lose its capacity, it begins to be deactivated, and with this, to cause cellular disorders.
Through the study of Nutrigenomics, it is determined that our Genoxidil product , with the combination of its 50 phytonutrients, becomes the most powerful activator of the Nrf2 protein that exists in the world, named the most complete tablet on the planet.
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